Get ahead of your sales targets by engaging with and reaching out to the right prospects.

This is Mr. Ian
He’s a Sales Manager at Kivon Art & Design.
He is concerned about tracking the activities, goals and performance of his sales team.
He wants to make it easy to track his sales team and to help them manage their activities and goals on a single Sales Management Software.

This is Erika
A Sales Representative at Kivnon Art & Design.
She is worried about the tedious process of manually searching for leads through a bunch of files. It is difficult to set priorities for sales activities. She is not sure whether her sales goal can be achieved.
She wants to manage the information search and records of her leads on a single platform which will make it easier for her to get the job done.

This is David
A customer of Kivnon Art & Design.
He is anxious about the delay in receiving the documents like quotations & price list that he has requested and having to deal with different people about the same issue.
He wants a systematic process that streamlines all his correspondence.
App to list and manage products with their barcodes, description, quantity, colour variations etc. under one single view.
App to create and manage leads based on buying ability, interest, requirements etc.
Create and customise sales invoices and send them from anywhere via App
Barcode Reader
Invoicing and tracking made easy with integration of barcode reader
App that allows you to easily manage contracts made with customers, vendors, partners or employees.
App that generates comprehensive predefined / custom inventory reports
App to define and generate quotes based on set of rules, apply discounts or early bird offers, maintain record of proposals sent with a version control system
App that enables you to monitor and evaluate the status of each opportunity and plan necessary courses of action to convert an opportunity into a sale.
Mr. Ian is able to see all the progress that is being made and all the updates of the team just by a click of a button. There is much transparency between him and his team.
Erika saves time by using the mobile app to input and pull out customer details anytime during customer meetings and other activities. It has become easy to handle information on customer needs and demands and close a deal efficiently.
David does not have a delay in receiving anything he asks for as the system is updated in a timely manner. So whoever addresses David knows the latest emails that have been exchanged and which stage of the opportunity he has reached.